Monday, January 7, 2008

O Happy Day

The project we (well, honestly, mostly HE) had been working on is finally done.

The Roomie has moved into his new room and we have moved back into our bedroom, and the kids each have their own rooms back. And I cannot tell you how blissful the first night was. We spent the whole night in our room, in bed, watching TV and just smiling at each other. Frankly I am still smiling ear to ear just reveling in FINALLY having our own space back.

It is hard to believe, really. 8 weeks ago, we had a shop, and now we have a room with a bathroom. It looks awesome. Quite an accomplishment for him. I am really proud of him and his perseverance. It’s been a long and hard (and unlike some people, apparently this isn’t something he uses to describe fun) project. But sadly luckily all things must eventually come to an end. No more long nights with him in the garage. No more trips to Jerry's several times a night week. No more sheet rock covered Chris emerging from the garage for a break. No more strings of epithets coming from the garage. Seriously, some nights I’ll be in the bedroom putting away laundry or reading and I could hear him out there through the heating vent. (You know that scene in Christmas Story where the Dad is in the basement? And he is just banging away on the broken radiator and cussing up a storm? Yeah…. That is exactly what I heard!) Then there were other times I would hear him: Ha-Ha! BooYa! Mutherfecker! It’s been an interesting ride, that’s for sure. But he did it. Each and every obstacle, he overcame. And when push came to shove he got the job done.

I don’t know what kind of “favors” I owe, but I assure you they are BIG…HUGE (I thought my knees hurt after installing the floor…) now surely they will hurt from bowing and kissing his.... feet. I tell ya! For all the times I walked into the room as he was working and said, “I was thinking….” And he’d give me that “Oh feck, here we go” look as I added to changed some part of the project. I’m sure that all of the gray hairs that he is sporting are my fault!

I guess he really does love me. Imagine that? Either that or he was really tired of climbing over me to get out of bed in the morning in that cramped little room.

So it was quite the scene on Saturday when the kids came home. I sent them in to their beds (which had both been in DQ's room until just that morning), to get their surprises from our trip, and the BIGGEST surprise of all greeted them: First it was DQ, "MY ROOM! ALL MINE!" DP Joe pushed past her and upon seeing that his bed was no longer in her room immediately turned and ran to his room, the door flew open and I tell you that look as he turned back to me, "MY ROOM IS BACK!" was priceless. Worth every minute of aggravation, every penny spend on screws, nails, sheet rock, molding, flooring and fixtures. Even if sometimes we had to buy them twice.

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