Anyway, I can digress..... so in honor of "Talk Like Pirate Day" I, being the good Mom that I am (still holding out for the Mother of the Year Award), scoured the web for some sort of Pirate Food to make for dinner. Because, well, I am always all about a theme. So here's what I came up with:
Captain Morgan's Treasure
- Heat butter and oil in dutch oven, add garlic, ginger and shallot, saute until shallot is soft, 2-3 minutes.
- Season chicken with salt and pepper, add to pan and brown, turning frequently.
- Add rum, chicken broth, mango, papaya and pepper, bring to boil, cover and reduce heat, simmer for 20 minutes.
- Remove cover and simmer until sauce is reduced ( I let it go to half) and add cream, heat through but don't boil.
- Serve over steamed rice.
So it was a hit. No one got scurvy from eating it, anyway! In fact the whole crew scarfed it down like it was the first hot meal after a month at sea! Arrr! (Yeah, ok corny, I know.)
I couldn't find the Jamaican pepper, and since the kidlets don't enjoy Chris and I's penchant for spicy foods, I left it off. I had to buy way more rum than I needed (they don't just sell half a cup of anything in that store), because (gasp!) it is the one type of alcohol not included in the so far unopened stash of booze in the liquor cabinet.
Dread Pirate Joe overheard me telling Chris the recipe that I had picked for this occasion, and said, "You are putting rum in my food?"
Me, "Yeah, it what all pirates love...."
Him, "Do you have to put rum in my food?"
Me, "Joe, it's ok the alcohol cooks off and just leaves the rum flavor."
Him, "Oh.... so why do you have to put it in there then?"
Me, "Yeah good point, lets just drink it with dinner then!!!"
Just kidding! If you know me, you know that Rum and I don't get along (hence why it wasn't in the liquor cabinet to begin with). But a shot in Joe's Grog (eh, rootbeer) might be fun to watch and help him fall asleep sooner since I had so much left.....
Who me? NEVER!!! That wouldn't get me any points in the Mother of the Year contest, now would it! ;)
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