Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What I'm Thankful For

I woke up in a panic this morning realizing that I had not yet bought our turkey and trimmings. The panic wasn't about whether we would have anything to eat tomorrow (cupboards are seriously bare) or if the bird would even be thawed in time (is 24 hrs. enough time?) or would the store be out of key ingredients (no pies? are you kidding me?). No. It was more that since I work during the day, my only chance to go to the grocery store would have been after work. Holy Mother of God, the grocery store at 5 pm on the eve of the biggest eating holiday of the year? PANIC! PANIC! PANIC! What kind of stupid could I be waiting until the last minute? That is unless, I thought as I laid in my warm bed, I get up right now and go to the store. So.... guess where I was as 5 am this morning?

The sneaky little Thanksgiving elf (well, OK, I'm nowhere near little...) magically pulled off the holiday shopping in the wee hours of this morning. I was one of 3 people in that dawg-blessed store. And I must say, what a refreshing experience. No screaming kids, no frantic shoppers, no long lines, NO BLOODY Christmas music. Just me and a few shelf stocker. So, I guess 5 am wasn't so bad. And THAT, my friends, is what I am thankful for today!

I unloaded the car just as Chris was dragging his ass out of bed. "You paid that much for our turkey?" Yeah, I did. "You got that in a box?" Um yeah... while you slept, I shopped. You = snore, me = pushing cart around Wally World. Gotta a problem with that? "Yum, sounds good!" 'thata boy!

Tomorrow, I am working, so Chris is cooking. Another wonderful joy to be thankful for: coming home to a house that smells of baking turkey when I didn't even lift a finger. (OK, I lifted the groceries off the shelf, into the cart, into the car, into the house, in the freezing ass cold, at a butt-crack early hour, while he slept away without a care in the world. I think we're even)

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