Friday, November 16, 2007

Little Milestones

DQ has been asking for some time if she can shave her legs. I have protested, mostly because I don't think she understands that once she starts, she has to keep it up. And I guess, I don't see what the big deal is, her leg hair is barely noticeable (unlike the Sasquatch-esk growth I have been working on for winter warmth!). BUT, of all the things she could want (piercings, tattoos, fake nails, hair color....), this is harmless enough. I have been explaining for months the consequences of heading down this path, and she is still determined. So in a private moment shortly after her birthday, I gave her my gift: her letter (which I read to her) and in a small bag some of the shave less hair removing cream. After the initial excitement and 53 million hugs and thank yous (something to really treasure in parenthood!) there was a moment so ala DQ when she says, "Will you do it for me?" Uh no my dear, this is all you.
She managed, and I captured the moment for posterity. Yeah, wonder how she'll feel when she realizes the definition of posterity is THIS BLOG!

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