Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

From Sunshine and Blue Skies.....
.....in Arizona!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Blow, Baby, Blow

My ears only hurt a little

but we could recognize most of the short songs and it was cute none the less!

Look at those cheeks! She is working hard.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Gift for You

You know how I just LOVE to give home-made gifts for Christmas.....

Just let me know which one you'd like!

Monday, December 17, 2007


Finally lost his top loose tooth! The bottom set are still growing in two rows like a shark! The dentist assures us this is fine and will correct itself.

What is too funny is that being the slacker parent that I am, I forgot my tooth fairy duties and a disappointed DPJ woke up to find no Pirate Booty awaiting him. Just his little tooth still where he left it. Try as I might to explain that the tooth fairy was just confused, he wasn't buying it. I told him if he left his tooth that I was sure the Tooth Fairy would find it while he was gone.

So the kids headed out to school with Chris and I immediately went in search of said tooth, figuring I would complete the swap while it was on my mind, but all I could find was a pile of change (a quarter, a few dimes, a nickel and about 10 pennies) where the tooth should have been.
I call the car phone. "Joe, where's your tooth?"
He replies, "Under my bed."
"Joe, I looked, and all I see is money..... did you take the tooth and leave money?"
"No..... Maybe the tooth fairy came!"

I eliminated all of the possible suspects (Chris and DQ). I know my memory is bad, but not that bad!! And it was too early for my meds, so I'm in my right frame of mind. Yep, it was him. That little shit pirate either didn't trust the tooth fairy at MY HOUSE or wanted to take that blasted tooth to school to share with his buddies. So he swapped his tooth with some change, so I would THINK the tooth fairy came. Hilarious how he tried to fake me out!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Holidays are Upon Us

Yeah, even though Wally World hauled out the ornaments and fake trees and started playing Christmas music before Halloween was even over, it is never quite official for me until the TG bird's been cooked.

This year, though, Id like to do it different. It seems every year I get caught up in this wave of cooking, shopping and doing so much for everyone else, that I just lose myself. The commercialism of the season seems to take on a life of its own. I feel like I rarely have time to just enjoy the moments that matter when I am bombarded with the pressures to spend money, be perfect, make everyone happy, etc. I don't know how to not get sucked in, so I think I just need to turn it off.

So, we decided to mostly skip present exchanges with everyone. I won't completely forgo this with the kidlets, but it will be VERY scaled down and meaningful. And, about this, I am THRILLED! With just this small elimination I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can enjoy the season a bit more, without running around trying to find an appropriate, let alone perfect, gift for everyone on my list.

We've also decided to travel this year instead of gifts for each other. We are heading to the sunny part of the country. So, yes, I'm trading in my umbrella for a pair of shades for two weeks. But more than anything: a change of routine should be absolutely blissful.

Fa la la la la, la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaa!

So, in honor of my more relaxed and calm demeanor I promise:

Not to cuss at the car in front of me that can't seem to drive more than 50 miles an hour on the FREEWAY in the left lane. Yeah, get going, or get out of my way!

Not to mutter an "Are you kidding me?" when the coffee person will not quit chatting with her fellow worker long enough to take my order. Hell hath no fury like me before my coffee.

Not to roll my eyes when the low paid Wally World worker only puts 3 items in one bag before she starts to fill the next one. Do you really think I want 50 of these plastic bags? Would help if I remembered to bring my reusable one in from the car, HOWEVER, last time I did SHE BAGGED them in a plastic bag. Yeah, she really did!

Not to give the look of death to the parent on the other sports team that can't help but CHEER when our kids get a penalty or make a mistake. A mistake on anyone's part does not constitute applause AS IF SOMEONE DID SOMETHING WORTH PRAISE. Even if your team benefits from the mistake! Rather: Cheer ALL the good plays (no matter who did them!). They are kids! Didn't you hear the good sportsmanship lecture at the beginning of the game? I can't believe we even have to state that out loud.

I promise not to sigh or tap my fingers on my desk when a customer say "I can't get in..." to which I ask "What are you trying to access?" and their response is: "I don't know." Well, if you don't know what you want, how can I help you? Like going to a doctor and saying, "It hurts." and he asks, "Where?" and you reply, "I don't know."

I will try to just let go and smile. Yes, smile. (Anyone want to try one of my happy pills???)

I promise to be more patient, more understanding and more forgiving. While it seems the world around me rushes, I will try to slow down, and relax. I will try to remember that there really is something so beautiful about the quiet of this time of year as things die and shed to eventually make way for the new again. And I will be grateful, because if this is the worst there is, then I am truly blessed.