Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Gift for You
Monday, December 17, 2007

What is too funny is that being the slacker parent that I am, I forgot my tooth fairy duties and a disappointed DPJ woke up to find no Pirate Booty awaiting him. Just his little tooth still where he left it. Try as I might to explain that the tooth fairy was just confused, he wasn't buying it. I told him if he left his tooth that I was sure the Tooth Fairy would find it while he was gone.
So the kids headed out to school with Chris and I immediately went in search of said tooth, figuring I would complete the swap while it was on my mind, but all I could find was a pile of change (a quarter, a few dimes, a nickel and about 10 pennies) where the tooth should have been.
I call the car phone. "Joe, where's your tooth?"
He replies, "Under my bed."
"Joe, I looked, and all I see is money..... did you take the tooth and leave money?"
"No..... Maybe the tooth fairy came!"
I eliminated all of the possible suspects (Chris and DQ). I know my memory is bad, but not that bad!! And it was too early for my meds, so I'm in my right frame of mind. Yep, it was him. That little
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Holidays are Upon Us
This year, though, Id like to do it different. It seems every year I get caught up in this wave of cooking, shopping and doing so much for everyone else, that I just lose myself. The commercialism of the season seems to take on a life of its own. I feel like I rarely have time to just enjoy the moments that matter when I am bombarded with the pressures to spend money, be perfect, make everyone happy, etc. I don't know how to not get sucked in, so I think I just need to turn it off.
So, we decided to mostly skip present exchanges with everyone. I won't completely forgo this with the kidlets, but it will be VERY scaled down and meaningful. And, about this, I am THRILLED! With just this small elimination I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can enjoy the season a bit more, without running around trying to find an appropriate, let alone perfect, gift for everyone on my list.
We've also decided to travel this year instead of gifts for each other. We are heading to the sunny part of the country. So, yes, I'm trading in my umbrella for a pair of shades for two weeks. But more than anything: a change of routine should be absolutely blissful.
Fa la la la la, la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaa!
So, in honor of my more relaxed and calm demeanor I promise:
Not to cuss at the car in front of me that can't seem to drive more than 50 miles an hour on the FREEWAY in the left lane. Yeah, get going, or get out of my way!
Not to mutter an "Are you kidding me?" when the coffee person will not quit chatting with her fellow worker long enough to take my order. Hell hath no fury like me before my coffee.
Not to roll my eyes when the low paid Wally World worker only puts 3 items in one bag before she starts to fill the next one. Do you really think I want 50 of these plastic bags? Would help if I remembered to bring my reusable one in from the car, HOWEVER, last time I did SHE BAGGED them in a plastic bag. Yeah, she really did!
Not to give the look of death to the parent on the other sports team that can't help but CHEER when our kids get a penalty or make a mistake. A mistake on anyone's part does not constitute applause AS IF SOMEONE DID SOMETHING WORTH PRAISE. Even if your team benefits from the mistake! Rather: Cheer ALL the good plays (no matter who did them!). They are kids! Didn't you hear the good sportsmanship lecture at the beginning of the game? I can't believe we even have to state that out loud.
I promise not to sigh or tap my fingers on my desk when a customer say "I can't get in..." to which I ask "What are you trying to access?" and their response is: "I don't know." Well, if you don't know what you want, how can I help you? Like going to a doctor and saying, "It hurts." and he asks, "Where?" and you reply, "I don't know."
I will try to just let go and smile. Yes, smile. (Anyone want to try one of my happy pills???)
I promise to be more patient, more understanding and more forgiving. While it seems the world around me rushes, I will try to slow down, and relax. I will try to remember that there really is something so beautiful about the quiet of this time of year as things die and shed to eventually make way for the new again. And I will be grateful, because if this is the worst there is, then I am truly blessed.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
What I'm Thankful For
The sneaky little Thanksgiving elf (well, OK, I'm nowhere near little...) magically pulled off the holiday shopping in the wee hours of this morning. I was one of 3 people in that dawg-blessed store. And I must say, what a refreshing experience. No screaming kids, no frantic shoppers, no long lines, NO BLOODY Christmas music. Just me and a few shelf stocker. So, I guess 5 am wasn't so bad. And THAT, my friends, is what I am thankful for today!
I unloaded the car just as Chris was dragging his ass out of bed. "You paid that much for our turkey?" Yeah, I did. "You got that in a box?" Um yeah... while you slept, I shopped. You = snore, me = pushing cart around Wally World. Gotta a problem with that? "Yum, sounds good!" 'thata boy!
Tomorrow, I am working, so Chris is cooking. Another wonderful joy to be thankful for: coming home to a house that smells of baking turkey when I didn't even lift a finger. (OK, I lifted the groceries off the shelf, into the cart, into the car, into the house, in the freezing ass cold, at a butt-crack early hour, while he slept away without a care in the world. I think we're even)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Little Milestones

She managed, and I captured the moment for posterity. Yeah, wonder how she'll feel when she realizes the definition of posterity is THIS BLOG!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Binya Binya

Today you are 12. Hard for me to fathom that a dozen years have come and gone. Surely they have slipped right through my fingers like fine sand. Each moment becoming one more in a string of moments speeding by, before I had the inclination to pay attention. I wish..... that I had paid closer attention to these tangible examples of an intangible concept. I wish..... that I could go back, remember each and every moment where you have made me smile and brought joy to my heart. That I could somehow list them and describe each one of them to you. For they are many, and unfortunately, my memory is just not that good. But what comes to mind today is the very first moment you brought this joy: the moment I first held you.
You were the gift I didn't even know I wanted until I had you. Your Dad and I were very young,

Of course, I had nine whole months to get used to the idea that I was going to have a baby and be a Mom. I tried to plan, to prepare myself: I read books, took classes, and of course I thought about it all the time. But as with anything one has never done before: it is never quite how you think it is going to be. I labored hard with you. 23 hours in fact. I can remember how much it hurt, and how I wished the contractions would be fewer and shorter, but also knowing it was a necessary pain, and just wanting to get through it because I knew it would culminate in your arrival. I passed the hours, the time between contractions, thinking of what it would be like to finally have you here, to hold you, and talk to you. I visualized what you would look like: How big you would be, your nose, your mouth, your 10 little fingers and 10 little toes. I even worried you would have a head full of thick, dark, curly hair just like your Dad. (Actually, in my mind, it looked more like Elvis) These minor worries kept the nurses amused and my mind off the pain a little bit. When they finally said I could push, I was glad it wouldn't be much longer before I would see you. And every push I prayed that it would be my last, and this would be done. Again and again, bearing down, I believed through sheer force I would bring you into this world. But after laboring for so long, the doctors became concerned because I was not progressing. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't seem to push you out. They gave me my options: I could try a little longer or I could have a C-Section. A choice, as if somehow I was in control of this process. "Whatever we need to do." I said, "Just get her here." Nothing I did was working, because the truth is, I was so not in control. But, I was afraid.
A lot of the complications I read/learned about were now happening. As with lots of hard things in life, no one could take this from me, no one could do this for me. I had no choice. I just kept telling myself, whatever I need to do to have you in my arms, I would do. But I never knew I would have to be this brave. They prepped me and moved me into another room for a cesarean. It went relatively quick because what I didn't fully comprehend was, you were struggling and they were worried. I didn't let myself think about what lay ahead, so when they draped me, I looked away and closed my eyes, hoping this part would go quick. Up until this point I had never had surgery, never been under anesthesia, never been cut into. And I was afraid.

I truly understood the power of an unknown future. You, nestled there on my chest making little baby noises, surely mesmerized by the beating of my heart, which you had grown accustomed to inside of me, were the most amazing thing I could never have planned for. You were so delicate, everything so soft and tiny. My mind could never have dreamed you up, let alone, this perfection. And this feeling in my chest. I was unprepared for this joy. And I'm glad I didn't know what it would be like, because for the first time, in that moment I learned no matter what my hopes and fears were, that I couldn't possibly imagine or plan for all that lay before me on this journey. And I have come to understand that the unknown is so much better than what we foresee.
Through the years of being your mother I have had many more moments like this. Where I realize things that I never understood before. Moments where you have brought

Monday, November 5, 2007
Hot Tubbin'

And even if I am not (so hot that is) I insist on tubbing neked,

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
So I am taking a walk down memory lane, back to when they were young and cute and

Now, year three was by far my personal favorite. I actually sewed both costumes with the MIL's help AND it just so happens that this combo was near and dear to my heart because once upon a LONG time ago, my brother and I were this combo. Raggedy Ann and Andy with Cody being Teddy E. Bear. Come on, let me here you say it, ahhhhh...
The Angel vs. the Devil. Ah, how true it is! The truth is these two really should have been reversed! But again, trying not to scar the poor boy
But fear not DP Joe, your year is finally here! No longer can Mom assume since you are little you will not understand how sissy her costume picks have been for you. You are now old enough to say, "Not so much." Well the truth is, you learned NO a long time ago, but this year, lucky for you, you perfected the oh so cute and adorable doe eyes look combined with the sweet, sappy, "Please, mom, wouldn't this be so cool?" plea. Yeah that one STILL gets me. Again, quick learner! How could I say no!

So, I had to come up with something cool enough to convince DP Joe to let go of his pirate obsession. (NO REPEATS!) Not easy feat, trust me! Years later he is STILL dressing up in full pirate garb on occasion! This glow in the dark skeleton barely cut it. DQ is wearing a lovely woman's dress shirt which I fixed up with some gauze to be ghoulish. The wig filled with plastic bugs was the capstone and her fav!
But the home made costumes are not quite as cool as the store bought super hero variety...... I knew this day would come.....

So that brings us to this year... when amazingly enough I have once again managed to pull this off. The sewing machine was still going Halloween morning as I
Monday, October 8, 2007
Multnomah Falls
Most of the time when we travel we camp, so this whole hotel thing is a bit luxurious. In fact, this time, we decided to splurge and reserved the
We had a generally relaxing weekend of shopping (IKEA, Portland Saturday Market) and sight seeing:

Oh, I mean these sights.....
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A'hoy There Mateys

Anyway, I can digress..... so in honor of "Talk Like Pirate Day" I, being the good Mom that I am (still holding out for the Mother of the Year Award), scoured the web for some sort of Pirate Food to make for dinner. Because, well, I am always all about a theme. So here's what I came up with:
Captain Morgan's Treasure
- Heat butter and oil in dutch oven, add garlic, ginger and shallot, saute until shallot is soft, 2-3 minutes.
- Season chicken with salt and pepper, add to pan and brown, turning frequently.
- Add rum, chicken broth, mango, papaya and pepper, bring to boil, cover and reduce heat, simmer for 20 minutes.
- Remove cover and simmer until sauce is reduced ( I let it go to half) and add cream, heat through but don't boil.
- Serve over steamed rice.
So it was a hit. No one got scurvy from eating it, anyway! In fact the whole crew scarfed it down like it was the first hot meal after a month at sea! Arrr! (Yeah, ok corny, I know.)
I couldn't find the Jamaican pepper, and since the kidlets don't enjoy Chris and I's penchant for spicy foods, I left it off. I had to buy way more rum than I needed (they don't just sell half a cup of anything in that store), because (gasp!) it is the one type of alcohol not included in the so far unopened stash of booze in the liquor cabinet.
Dread Pirate Joe overheard me telling Chris the recipe that I had picked for this occasion, and said, "You are putting rum in my food?"
Me, "Yeah, it what all pirates love...."
Him, "Do you have to put rum in my food?"
Me, "Joe, it's ok the alcohol cooks off and just leaves the rum flavor."
Him, "Oh.... so why do you have to put it in there then?"
Me, "Yeah good point, lets just drink it with dinner then!!!"
Just kidding! If you know me, you know that Rum and I don't get along (hence why it wasn't in the liquor cabinet to begin with). But a shot in Joe's Grog (eh, rootbeer) might be fun to watch and help him fall asleep sooner since I had so much left.....
Who me? NEVER!!! That wouldn't get me any points in the Mother of the Year contest, now would it! ;)
Monday, September 3, 2007

The Egyptian's trainer hit the nail on the head. In a moment of self loathing about her body, he reminds her

Monday, July 23, 2007
Chinese Kissing
My mom almost always had soap operas playing on the TV while she busied herself around the house. (I can vividly remember crying during General Hospital when Luke and Laura were reunited after everyone thought she was dead and Christopher Cross's "Think of Laura" played to a montage of Luke and Laura moments. My mom even bought me the 45 I liked that song so much! Can you say sappy?) So what most little girls learned from Fairy Tales, I learned from Soap Operas! I saw a lot of soap opera "action" when I was young (which was mild by today's standards!) and decided this long wet kissing with tongue looked kind of fun. So who better to test this new "French Kiss" on than my mother. So the first chance I got, I laid one one her: Opened wide and inserted tongue. Startled, my Mom grabbed my by the shoulder and pushed me back. Actually, the truth is, Shock and Awe had nothing on my Mom's reaction! I learned right then and there not to try that again. At least not
I tried not to be so shocked with Dread Pirate Joe. I explained that this type of kissing wasn't appropriate for someone his age. I laughed at his innocence and told him my "French Kissing" story. He laughed and laughed (and I mean big belly laughing that is so adorable when you are 7!), until his face was red. Apparently, me kissing my mother WITH TONGUE was the funniest thing he has ever heard! When Chris walked into our conversation, DP Joe can't wait to share my story. He says "Did you know my Mom Chinese kissed her Mom when she was little?" Chris smiled and raised his eyebrow. Once I explained, he said "Maybe I can get a little Chinese action over here?"
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Deck Buildin'

So I begged, and pleaded and made some kick ass Pesto Pizza, and lo and behold, look what I got:

And that's not all! I also got a BEAUTIFUL Adirondack chair too. Nothing like sitting on the porch with a tall glass of tea, fire going in the chimenea, while the kids toss a ball to each other in the yard, chatting with the neighborhood folks, while the cars lazily drive by. OK, well, some of that is partly true. You decide which parts! I don't want to spoil your mental image.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Not a Slight Thing
love us."....Dickens
We won't always be the best Moms we can be. Among the many mistakes we will make as mothers, we will set bad examples, say things in haste and anger we later regret, we will make bad choices, and sometimes we will fall down. And those sweet little cherub faces will look to us so trusting and innocent, wanting us to make it better. They will love us and forgive us of our mistakes and misgivings. In their eyes, we are loved, no matter what. That is both the joy and ache of being a parent. A joy to have this love, but an ache to feel at times we don’t deserve it. So it is, that we must get back up and keep pressing on. For them. Even if we don't know the right thing or the best thing to do. We must just keep trying. Because even at our worst we learn from these children just as we teach these children, about unconditional love….. Who even love us when we are at our worst. And they are counting on us. So no matter how hard it is, if for nothing else, for them. Because sometimes, we get it absolutely right. And it is those moments, when they say, “I love you Mom you’re the best” that we know it is all worth it.
I've made the mistake of striving to be a perfect Mom. But the Egyptian reminds me that being imperfect is really the perfect way to be. It is this that our kids will learn from, and hopefully they will feel safe to make their own mistakes in life. And just as they will look to us for comfort and reassurance in these times, we must also look to them, for they are the reason we do what we do.
Happy Mother's Day.Monday, March 26, 2007
Purple Sunfish Cruizer
As I am making dinner, I just happened to catch a glance of him out the front window test driving the cruiser. It's kind of like a guy who's brave enough to hold your purse for you in public (a purple purse with flowers no less!!). I smiled with a bit of pride at the sillyness of him in the saddle of the purple cruiser. And after all, since he tightened the screws, I suppose he better be the first to try it out!
An hour later, I had my Purple SunFish Cruiser parked in the driveway waiting for it's maiden voyage. I gathered up the kids and their bikes and we were ready. I climbed aboard (Literally! It's bigger than I expected!) and the bike swayed and I balanced. WHOA! Chris calls out, "Sure you'll be OK? Be careful!" I turn back and give him the look of death that says "Fack you! I've ridden a bike or two in my time!" only to smack right into my car. Look of death turns into sheepish grin, "Well, it's big..." Off we went down the street. I immediately notice that the fenders are both rubbing making a loud sound, but I am just too happy to be deterred from my jaunt around the block. I think I might LOVE this!
It breaks on a dime, which is good because steering is a bit different on this hulking thing. I think the handle bars being so wide is something to get used to. I managed to avoid a few collisions but when forced to navigate between two poles (we all know that my depth perception is a bit of an issue! Trying riding in a minivan with me when I have to park that thing! Try having me be a passenger while YOU try to park that thing! Yeah, I have
Back on the side street by the house and in the middle of the road (away from any possible obstacles) and feeling a little more confident (no more tight spaces), DQ calls out, "Mom you look funny." Yeah, well you look like Kermit the Frog all skinny and long legged on that tall adult bike! Sheesh! leave it to the kids to remind you that you are getting old and looking geeky! And considering the racket (fenders rubbing) I was making cruzin' down the street, I'm sure she was right, I did look a little funny.
But oh well! It felt great! OK not the crashing part, but the cruzin' part!
UPDATE: Apparently the handle bars were not strait, which explains
Monday, March 5, 2007
Weekend on the Mountain

Friday, March 2, 2007
How we met....
The summer of 2004 they renewed their wedding vows after 10 years of marriage. And it was this big shin-dig that brought us together.
The weekend was filled with too much partying to remember everything, but here are a few things I will NEVER forget:
"Hi, my name's Chris...." Objects before you are taller than they first appear
"If you don't dance, I'm dancing with them!" Two minutes later, there he was dancing with me.
"Here's a tortilla? It's pretty much all I have in my fridge... sorry.."
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
This is us
Chris: "Why?"
Shawna: "Because it will be fun!"
Chris: "Whatever..."
Could be I told this to him right after he rolled out of bed this morning before he could even take a sip of his coffee. Could be that I "drag" Chris to a lot of things that he likes once he is there. (Remember the time I drug you kicking and screaming to the Aviation Museum because I had a work function to attend and we got a private, as in we went places the public can't even go, tour of the Spruce Goose?)
We'll see.
Welcome to our blog! To start I'm going to post some pictures and history. So sit back relax and enjoy!